West Lakes Association is implementing another way to accept payments and donations. We are now using Square to process electronic payments. You may receive an email with an invoice. If you would like you can click the link in the email and follow the easy directions to instantly make your 2023 Membership Dues Payment. We of course still accept cash and checks. If you have already made payment, but still receive an invoice, please contact: WestLakesPresident@gmail.com.
Please print, and send completed form and dues to:
West Lakes Association
PO Box 521
Rome City, IN 46784
If your home is not insured for flooding, and there was damage. Please fill out this form.
Under “Information” click “Forms”, scroll down to “Assessment Forms”, click 17592 (Form 137R), Print and fill out,
Mail to Noble County Assessor 101 N Orange St #100 Albion, IN 46701, or take directly to Assessor’s Office in Noble County Court House. Emailing is discouraged, but if you do, make a follow up call. Some may be blocked by server.